Ways To Step Up Digital Marketing

5 Ways To Step Up Digital Marketing In 2024

in Digital Marketing on October 26, 2021

Hey guys, in this article, we are going to talk about the 5 ways to step up digital marketing in 2024. So keep reading.

People are always looking for the newest trends in digital marketing. As 2024 approaches, there are many questions about how to be more successful with it.

This article is going to go over some of the different ways that you can step up your digital marketing efforts and make sure you’re on top of what’s coming next! For a real-world example, we will use Intex hot tubs.

Ways To Step Up Digital Marketing

In the digital age, online marketing is a vital part of any business. By 2020, there will be more than 50 billion devices connected to the internet and this number continues to grow every year. Businesses must adapt or die trying as competition becomes increasingly fierce with each passing day.

Table of Contents:

1. Incorporate Interactive Content Into Your Strategy

2. Use Social Media To Get In Your Buyer’s Head

3. Optimize Your Conversational Marketing Strategy

4. Getting Into Google’s Featured Snippets Spots

5. Invest In Diverse And Inclusive Marketing Strategies

1. Incorporate Interactive Content Into Your Strategy

In this day and age, there is no excuse for not having interactive content on your website. Between blogs, e-books (like this one), and quizzes or surveys to help improve the experience of each visitor — you should be focusing your resources on how you can best engage with leads across platforms. Studies show that people are willing to spend more time, and are more likely to be persuaded by engaging content.


For the hot tub site, blog content could be an interactive guide on how to choose the perfect device. It could include a quiz at the end to help them determine which one they should purchase.

2. Use Social Media To Get In Your Buyer’s Head

Create interesting and engaging content that will help you to capture your customers’ attention. You should also create a dedicated social media account for each of the platforms where your target audience is present because it allows communicating with them on their terms.

For example, in 2020, the number of social media users worldwide reached more than three billion people.

You can reach them all via their accounts on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter – and use social media automation tools to put all of your profiles under one roof

Social Media

3. Optimize Your Conversational Marketing Strategy

The more you can integrate chatbots into your digital advertising efforts, the better off you’ll be in 2024 and beyond. In 2018 alone, almost 50% of marketers were either planning to or already using chatbots for their campaigns — and that’s a trend we expect to continue going forward as brands look for ways to engage more naturally with customers.

In the next year, you’ll want to focus on refining your chatbot strategy and creating a plan that works for both your business model and target audience — it’s not as simple as randomly slapping a bot into an existing campaign. Use what you know about customer behavior from previous campaigns, consider what your audience wants, and how you can best provide that to them.

For example, for the Intex hot tub site, chatbots were an essential part of their overall strategy. They used the bot to answer customer questions about service and availability so they could provide instant answers instead of referring customers elsewhere—which meant more conversions for them over time.

Focus on these areas for the next year:

  • Create a mobile-first strategy with chatbots–build content tailored specifically for users at their point of interaction.

Think about what they’re likely looking for when they open messaging apps or visit websites and make sure your ads are there to answer their questions, provide support, or simply entertain them.

  • Make chatbots multi-functional–instead of using bots as one-off campaigns that can’t be integrated with other efforts (or worse—that distract users), integrate the bot into your existing strategy so it works across channels and improves brand awareness.

Marketing Strategy

4. Getting Into Google’s Featured Snippets Spots

Getting into Google’s featured snippets spots is a great way to get more traffic. One of the best ways is through informational articles because Google will often recommend your website if you have an article answering someone else’s question.

Another option is creating infographics that tell people about certain topics or products in a visual display. You can use tools like Canva or Piktochart to create these infographics.

The next way is through using Google Trends, where you can get the most up-to-date trends for any topic or product that people are searching for online. This information will help you determine if there’s a demand in the market and make it easier to sell your product/service to this audience.

The fourth way is through creating videos. Video marketing has been around for a while, but it’s still an effective tool that can help you expand your business and bring in more customers. It works well with the previous ways because Google will typically show video results whenever someone searches for something like “how to clean a hot tub” or “how to fix a leak in a hot tub”.

The last way is through using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat. These platforms are becoming more competitive as people become more aware of them and they start to use different advertising strategies on each platform so it may take some time for you to figure out the best strategy that works for you.

There are many other ways to step up digital marketing, but these five should be a good place to start for most people.

5. Invest In Diverse And Inclusive Marketing Strategies

It’s important to keep in mind that people come from all walks of life, and have different connections with your brand. Acknowledge this diversity when it comes to digital marketing by including different audiences, demographics, genders, races…everyone! This is especially true for B-to-B brands where you might be working with a specific business that wants their employees to be able to join.

Make sure that your strategy is diverse and inclusive by doing things like including people with disabilities, being gender-neutral, using different races/ethnicities, and even creating multi-lingual content!



Making the right choices about ways to step up digital marketing can mean all of the difference between a successful business and one that struggles. By avoiding these common mistakes, companies will be well on their way to having an effective online presence in 2024. But businesses must remember that they need to make sure what feels good today doesn’t necessarily mean it will continue to work in the future.

Categories: Digital Marketing