React JS

What is React JS?

in Technology on July 30, 2020

Hey, in this post I will tell you what is React.js and why it is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries nowadays. We will also discuss why you should use react js, what are the building blocks of React, and my thoughts about React So, stick with this post and you will know what is React JS.

So, React is a JavaScript library for building fast and interactive user interfaces. It was developed at Facebook in 2011 and currently, it is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries. React is mainly used for building user interfaces the other two players are Angular and Vue.

So if you want to expand your job opportunities as a frontend developer you should have to React on your resume. The main element of all Reacts applications is components.

Why React js?

React helps in the creation of dynamic web applications. And it also provides performance enhancements.

React uses reusable components which helps to decrease the development time of web and mobile applications. It is very easy to learn. React released an extension called React.js Native and it is used for mobile application development. and react js also have dedicated tools for easy debugging.

Also, there are lots of React dashboard available in the market, which can help you to speed up your web development with stunning and ready-to-use user interfaces.

The building blocks of React js

  • Components
  • State
  • Props


A component is a part of the user interface when building applications with React js we build a bunch of independent isolated and reusable components and then compose them to build complex user interfaces.

Every React application has at least one component which refers to as the root component this component represents the internal application and contains other child components.

So every React application is a tree or a group of components. Each component is a piece of UI, if you have worked with Angular it should sound familiar. You can find the complete comparison Angular vs React in this article.

In terms of implementation, a component is typically implemented as a JavaScript class that has some state and render method the state here is the data that we want to display when the component is rendered. And the render method describes how the User Interface should look like. The output of this rendered method is the React js element which is a simple plain JavaScript element that maps to a DOM element. It’s not a DOM element it just a simple JavaScript object they represent that DOM element in memory.

So React js keeps the lightweight representation of DOM in memory which refers to as a virtual DOM. This virtual DOM is cheap to create. When we change the state we get a new React element.

So that means when building applications with react, unlike vanilla JavaScript or JQuery we no longer have to work with the DOM API in browsers.


The state of a component is an object that holds some data. This data influences the output of the component. Every time the state of an object changes the component is retendered on to the screen.

In a simple word state is the data which we want the component to render.


Props are short for properties. That allows us to pass arguments or data to components. Properties help make components more dynamic. It is important to define all the properties of their types and their default value. Props are passed to components in the way similar to that of HTML-tag attributes.

So that’s all from my side I hope you like the points that I have discussed in this article.


I really hope you enjoyed this article. You can see a full breakdown of our react dashboards available in the market right here.

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Read Also – Characteristics of interactive elements on a website

Categories: Technology