In some situations, knowing details of incoming and outgoing calls can be significant, so keeping track of your call history is essential. The history is saved in your phone’s call logs, but the iPhone data is not always available if you unknowingly delete or discard data. Praised by telcos such as Airtel, they have allowed you to get to your phone number’s call history externally. In this post, we’ll discuss. how to get airtel call history by SMS, the Airtel website, and the Airtel Thanks app.
Use SMS to view your Airtel call history (both prepaid and postpaid)
Send an SMS as suggested below to access your Airtel call log history quickly and easily:
Follow these steps:
- Feel free to launch the Messages app on your mobile phone.
- Make a new message and set the recipient’s address to 121.
- After typing EPREBILL MONTH EMAIL ID into the text area, click Send. You will soon receive an email with the call history for the month you requested.
- Soon after, you’ll get an email with the month’s call history you requested.
- A password-locked PDF will be sent to the mail. This PDF will be sent via SMS to the same mobile number with the password line.
Use the Airtel Thanks app to view your Airtel call history (postpaid only)
Following a few, Airtel postpaid subscribers can use the Airtel Thanks app to access and view their Call history. Unfortunately, prepaid users do not have such a facility available to them.
- To get started, download the Airtel Thanks app from the Play Store and App Store, and if you haven’t already, sign up by logging in with your registered mobile number.
- Next, once you have opened the app, select the ‘Manage ‘option.
- Now, when you scroll down, you can see the details of your postpaid number at the top of this section. Could you select it?
- You can see your monthly bill from here. The bill will open, and you’ll see the call history for the specific month.
To access your own Airtel call history, visit the official website
You may also use the official website to view your call history for your postpaid and prepaid Airtel numbers.
- Go to Airtel’s website on your laptop and open your browser.
- Next, select the ‘Account’ one at the top right part, then click Login.
- First, enter your Airtel number and hit ‘Send OTP.
- After this, you will need your phone to view the OTP. Find the OTP in the given field and enter
- When logged in, select the Usage Details option.
- Go to where you can see call history.
- They’ll choose the date range and give you a detailed history of the calls you’ve made and received on the website.
Examine Airtel’s call history using the phone records.
Regardless of your SIM and phone model, all the calls you make and receive are stored in your phone’s call logs. Open the Phone app to view your call history. Each call’s time, date, and length may be verified.
Finally, accessing how to get Airtel call history is a simple thing that can be achieved from the Airtel app, such as dialing specific USSD codes or contacting customer service for help. But each has a handy plus: it helps you keep tabs on your calls, and you have the essential data right there. By knowing these options, users can control their communication history and keep it organized. So remember, whether you want to keep a record of a date or professional needs, having your call history at hand gives you the power to make educated choices and provide you, as the user, a better overall connectivity experience. Why not look at your call history today and discover the communication patterns you may or may not know you have?
Frequently Asked Questions about Airtel Call History
Can I view the history of my Airtel phone number from last year?
The official website had the input to select the pullout data from specific date ranges, and Airtel via SMS only has a call history for a specific month.
Is it possible for me to get the call history and recording from Airtel?
The user cannot access call records since Airtel does not record calls on the back end.
What data does the Airtel call history have in them?
The call history PDF gives information regarding the phone numbers to which calls have been made and received, as well as the call duration, time, and date of calls.