Hey guys, today in this article, we will discuss the insider’s guide to web design. So keep reading.
When it comes to software development, some business owners pay lots of attention to time frames, costs, and bug-free results.
However, they forget about the other important things. For example, web design. Poor web design impacts the business’s app more than anything else. Here’s why.
Today, any business would like to promote its awareness with the help of a website. In 2021, there were about 1.88 billion web projects launched.
However, this number is rather flexible. New websites emerge from time to time as well as unattended ones are being closed.
In addition, some of the websites experience a great bounce rate. You know, when visitors enter your website and leave all of the sudden. They are unlikely to come back to this website and view the other pages it has.
For instance, blog pages have a bounce rate of up to 90%, content sites are left by up to 60% of visitors, and service sites do not stop up to 30% of users from abandoning them.
So, the question is what makes websites stand out from a number of competitors? What makes visitors stay and produce multiple clicks on the same website? Right, one of the main reasons is an outstanding web design.
Web design is a mixture of both graphic design and web development. Designers work on the website’s unique appearance, layout, content, and developers focus more on functionality and performance.
Thus, an excellent web design should be simple, easy to use, eye-catching, and aesthetically pleasing. Also, it should correspond to the business’ brand and focus on the target audience.
Anything else than that might confuse visitors and they will not meet their main purpose and get disappointed.
To ensure your web design wins over potential customers, consider the following tips:
The Insider’s Guide To Web Design:
2. Choose The Right Color Palette
3. Don’t Forget About Usability
4. Make The Website Easy To Navigate
5. Website’s Performance Also Matters
1. Do Your Research
Before getting into the development of the project, research your potential audience, make a survey and ask people in your niche what do they want a website to look like, and what should it offer as a result?
Having these insights at your sleeve will add bonuses to the future app’s design.
2. Choose The Right Color Palette
You may think the color of your application has little to do with people’s bounce rate. However, the impact is direct.
If you decided to produce an innovative medical app, you should know that Stanford Medicine Web Color Palette defines grey, blue, accent, red, and their hues as the most appropriate colors for healthcare purposes.
What’s more, any industry has appropriate colors and the ones that ask too many questions. Users have an eye for aesthetics and they wish to see something attractive rather than irrelevant.
3. Don’t Forget About Usability
At least 2.2 billion people all around the world have vision impairment. These people might be also your focus group and potential customers.
However, you will never get their attention unless you support them with special web design color adjustments.
4. Make The Website Easy To Navigate
Complex website architecture may be great for a website with tons of different information. However, if you know your niche, you don’t need to create another wheel.
Just think about the easiest way users can enter your website, go through it and meet their general purpose. Visitors come to your website with the hope you can solve their problems.
So, if you can do that – make it as user-friendly as possible. Test the UI/UX yourself. For the better the user experience, the more people will come back.
5. Website’s Performance Also Matters
What concerns the web development part, no one likes websites that are slow and perform at their worst. So, even with the most brilliant web design, poor website performance will only increase the bounce rate.
What can you do about that? Choose the right technologies that are fast and responsive. For example, Node.js. Or, find a professional software development team, who can help you out with that.
Great design plus great functionality equals happy website users.
To sum up, to achieve the best web design, listen to your focus users, meet their aesthetic and user experience needs, eliminate things they don’t like and find distracting, and work to ensure the best performance.
That’s the only road to smooth performance and increased website visitors.
I hope you liked this article on the insider’s guide to web design. Thank you for reading!.