AI Tools for Newbies to Start a Blog Website on WordPress

in wordpress on February 14, 2024
AI tools

Are you looking for the best AI tools to build and grow your WordPress website? Creating a website on WordPress is considered the best option for newbies. But the next drill is to publish engaging blogs to generate revenue.

There are different methods of starting a blog website. You can hire a website developer to create professional websites. Or create a website on WordPress for free. In both situations, the main challenge is writing appealing and optimized content for the site.

Blog websites rank with time. It is suggested to publish 20 – 30 blogs on the website at the start. Newbies can definitely use tools to write effective blog posts within time. This article discusses all the important AI tools for new bloggers. But before that, let’s talk about how WordPress is a safe option for freshers.

Building a Website on WordPress

The most cost-effective way to build a blog is to create your website yourself. It is the cheapest option available. This could be done by using WordPress. It allows you to use different plugins and templates to build a creative and interesting website.

WordPress is a free platform. You just need to buy the hosting. There are both free and paid hosting plans available. Use it to create a portfolio or start a blog. Here are some points to consider while building your website on your own.

  • You need to have knowledge of website design.
  • You will have full control of your blog.
  • It requires you to manage all the aspects: hosting, security, design, etc.
  • Themes and plugins make the website look professional.
  • A $5 – $200 per month fee is an estimated price for the WordPress website.

Tools to Start a Blog on WordPress

AI tools can provide a guideline for new bloggers. They can help to create and update content for the website. The growth of the website directly depends on the published content. If the content succeeds in generating traffic and building authority, the website will generate revenue.

Integrating custom wordpress development services can further accelerate this success by delivering tailored, high-performance solutions that enhance the website’s functionality, user experience, and overall effectiveness.

Here are some tools that can help beginners start a blog on WordPress in less time.

1. Blog Idea Generator

Users only click on a title if they find it informative and interesting. That’s why a captivating blog topic is crucial to generate more traffic. The blog topic must be unique and relevant to a specific niche.

Blog idea generator is designed to generate unique and creative blog topics for websites. It is an AI-powered tool that works by analyzing keywords and phrases. Based on the analysis, it generates a topic that relates to the subject of the blog.


  • This tool can create SEO-friendly titles.
  • It generates multiple results at once.
  • It creates a whole topic using a single keyword.

2. Semrush – Keyword Researcher

Search engines match the user’s search with all the indexed content and then show the best matching results on the top page. There is a high chance of ranking if your blog has all the keywords used while searching.

A keyword-rich blog will rank on search engines. Keywords tell Google that the user is looking for this particular content. Semrush is a keyword research tool that provides a detailed analysis of keywords and search results.

Semrush can help you find keywords most relevant to the topic. It will find the keywords that were missing in any content. Semrush shows the keyword difficulty and other metrics as columns. Searching competitors’ keywords is an important aspect of keyword research through Semrush.


  • Semrush shows a complete analysis of keyword-related metrics.
  • It allows you to do a competitor analysis.
  • This tool shows keyword difficulty in percentage for better clarity.

3. Chat GPT – Personal Assistant

Content creation is the part where the content gains the user’s attention. Content must be well-researched, original, and accurate. A chatbot like Chat GPT can be used to create bulk content. 

While creating content, the targeted audience must be kept in consideration. The tone and writing style are always adjusted according to the end user. You can mention the audience and writing style in the prompt to generate effective content. Chat GPT can also work as an assistant for generating outlines or titles for the content.


  • Chat GPT can generate any type of content.
  • It allows the user to ask back-to-back questions.
  • It understands human language.

4. AI Paraphrase Tool – Unique Content

Google does not appreciate plagiarized content. The website’s content must be unique and optimized according to the end user. The layout of the content should align with the topic. For website blogs, an informal or casual tone is pursued. Sticking to a single tone is easy with the help of a paraphrasing tool.

An AI Paraphrase tool helps the user to attain a specific tone and writing style. By paraphrasing the text, the content becomes unique. It analyzes the content to generate human-like paraphrasing. It can help you to generate multiple unique copies of the same content. 

With the help of an AI paraphrase tool, you can repurpose the old content and create a newer version. This tool works efficiently; it can restructure the sentences instead of just rewording the text.


  • Removes plagiarism from the content.
  • Pursue a specific tone throughout.
  • Paraphrase the content without changing the context.

5. Night Cafe – Generating Images

Adding relevant images to the blog makes it understandable. However, finding the best-suited images for your blog takes time and effort. Most of the images available on the Internet are stock images. Stock images cannot be used in a blog site.

The solution is to create visuals yourself. AI-powered tool Night Cafe can generate images from text. It does not require advanced skills in Photoshop. Rather, it generates art by entering a text prompt. It can help you to edit images to give them a certain style.


  • Generates unique images in seconds.
  • Night Cafe can add different artistic styles to the images.
  • Generated images are free to use on any platform without copyright infringement.


Building a blog website on WordPress is easy, but creating unique content is challenging. Crafting unique and fresh content for newbies can be overwhelming. But with advanced and efficient AI tools, beginners can plan, create, and optimize content quickly. WordPress users can use these tools to improve their website’s engagement and overall performance.

Interesting Related Article: The Beginner’s Guide to Setting Up a WordPress Website.

Categories: wordpress